
Elizz - We See You

Brand Launch Campaign

Caregivers are everywhere, but they're largely invisible. They do what they do privately, silently, and often go without recognition. It's not that what they do is a secret, but it's something often centered in the home, and kept within the family. As a result, caregivers may not feel acknowledged, or know how to reach out.

Our campaign, however, shows that Elizz sees and understands caregivers, even when nobody else does. The executions bring the Elizz ribbon to life and uses it to implicitly tie caregivers to the brand, highlighting the comfort and help Elizz provides. Each execution shows a person going about their regular day-to-day, but in each case, the Elizz ribbon finds and recognizes the caregiver.

Copywriter: Eva Feldmann  |  Video Production: six01

We See You - Brand Spot 1

We See You - Brand Spot 2

 Streetcar - Outside Wrap

Streetcar - Outside Wrap

 Streetcar - Interior Ads

Streetcar - Interior Ads

 Toronto Star - Digital Takeover

Toronto Star - Digital Takeover